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Peripheral Nerve Stimulation in Pearland, TX

At Texas Institute of Pain and Spine, we offer innovative, long-term solutions for chronic pain and pain management. We understand that chronic pain can affect every aspect of your life and make it hard to enjoy life. Our pain management professional, Dr. J. Lance LaFleur, is an interventional pain physician who is board-certified in pain medicine and anesthesiology and specializes in musculoskeletal conditions and regenerative medicine.

Peripheral nerve field stimulation is a much less invasive treatment option for chronic pain. If you have not found relief from other chronic pain treatment options and want to avoid surgical procedures, you may find relief from a peripheral nerve stimulator implant procedure. Call us now to schedule a consultation and find out if you are a good candidate for peripheral nerve stimulation in Pearland, TX.

What Is the Peripheral Nervous System?

Your body has two nervous systems: the central nervous system, which includes your brain and your spinal cord, and your peripheral nervous system. Your peripheral nervous system is the part of your body’s nervous system that doesn’t include your brain and spinal cord. It is responsible for sending information from different parts of your body to your brain and carrying out specific commands from your brain to other parts of your body. Some are automatic, and some are controlled by you.

What Is a Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Procedure?

Peripheral nerve stimulation is a minimally invasive treatment that can offer relief for chronic pain. The peripheral nerve stimulator procedure is an outpatient procedure that requires a short recovery period when compared to other treatment options. During the procedure, your physician will implant a very thin wire just under your skin next to the nerve. The wire delivers low levels of electrical stimulation, and these pulses interfere with the pain signals that are being sent by the nerve to the brain. This can change the way your brain perceives pain.

Conditions Treated With Peripheral Nerve Stimulation

Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Therapy in Pearland, TX

PNS is a safe, effective treatment option for a wide range of chronic pain conditions, injuries, and diseases. It can be used as part of a more comprehensive treatment plan or as a standalone treatment option. Some of the conditions that can be treated with PNS include:

  • Chronic peripheral neuropathy
  • Chronic shoulder pain
  • Chronic knee pain
  • Post-surgical groin pain
  • Post-stroke nerve compression
  • Chronic back pain
  • Phantom limb pain
  • Nerve injury or damage
  • Migraines
  • Occipital neuralgia
  • Complex regional pain syndrome
  • Trigeminal neuropathic pain

Which Nerve Is Commonly Used for Peripheral Nerve Stimulation?

There is not one specific nerve that is targeted during peripheral nerve stimulation. The nerve that is used is the one that is related to the specific pain condition that you have. However, the most commonly affected nerves are:

  • Sciatic nerve
  • Occipital nerve
  • Supraorbital nerve
  • Vagus nerve
  • Ulnar nerve
  • Facial nerve


The Benefits of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation

Peripheral nerve stimulation can be used as a conservative treatment option for the treatment of a wide range of chronic pain conditions, injuries, and diseases. Because it is minimally invasive, it is an outpatient procedure that doesn’t require any downtime. Other benefits of peripheral nerve stimulation are:

  • Reduced pain and reduced reliance on pain medication
  • Fewer side effects or risks than other treatment options
  • Relatively fast with minimal discomfort
  • Highly customizable to your specific condition and symptoms
  • Can be combined with other treatment options and therapies
  • Improved quality of life and overall health

How Long Is Recovery for Peripheral Nerve Stimulation?

PNS has a much shorter recovery period when compared to more invasive procedures or surgical procedures. Most patients recover in a few weeks to one or two months. In the first few days, you may experience mild pain and swelling. You should limit strenuous physical activity for the first week or two. We may recommend combining PNS with physical therapy to ease pain and accelerate healing.

Schedule a Consultation for Chronic Pain Treatment

If you are living with chronic pain due to an injury, disease, or medical condition, relief is possible. At Texas Institute of Pain and Spine, we offer modern, comprehensive pain management and pain relief options. We may recommend a peripheral nerve block stimulator procedure if you have not found relief from other treatment methods. Our specialists will work closely with you to create a personalized pain management plan that relieves pain and improves your overall health and quality of life. Call us now or contact us online to schedule a consultation for chronic pain treatment with peripheral nerve stimulation in Pearland, TX.

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